Our Name
The Hope of Israel refers to the Lord as the Messianic hope of redemption for both Israel and the Nations. It’s also an ancient name for Yeshua, or Jesus (Jeremiah 14:8, Acts 28:20).
For He himself is our Shalom (Peace). Yeshua has made the two groups of people, Jewish and non-Jewish into one spiritual body to the glory of the Heavenly Father!

Our Mission
is to develop Messianic disciples who serve as witnesses of Messiah Yeshua to Israel, of Israel and the Nations.
as witnesses
In that we testify of the life found in the Jewish Messiah.
to Israel
In that we are called to testify that God has not forsaken the Jewish people.
and the nations
In that we the nations invited into the commonwealth of Israel through the Jewish Messiah
Our Story
We started as a monthly community outreach called Hope of Israel Messianic Fellowship in 2013. The outreach met for prayer, Torah study and celebration of the Jewish Holidays.
Over a period of four years, the outreach grew and attracted many Jewish and non-Jewish people.
In 2017, a team of founding members consecrated themselves in holy service to the Lord God to establish Hope of Israel Congregation.

Our Leadership
In 2017, Rabbi Dr. Sam Nadler with a group of nine other spiritual leaders from the Roanoke area laid hands on the four elders and prayed in consecrating them along with a core team of founding members for God’s glory and holy service in the congregation. In the exaltation of Yeshua, a new messianic synagogue was born! These leaders continue to raise up other leaders.

Congregational Leader and Elder



Cantor/B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator

Sisterhood Coordinator

Eileen Kurtz
Children’s Coordinator

Leah Porter
Teen Club Coordinator

Chelsea Reed
Shalom Team Coordinator

Taharah Campbell
Davidic Dance Leader
Want to find out more?
Next Steps
We have many opportunities to participate or volunteer!

Get Connected & Attend
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube and sign up for our newsletter to stay informed. Attend our services regularly. Consistent attendance at our Shabbat/Sabbath services, bible studies and events will help reorient your mind, heart and spirit through the hearing of the Scriptures, worship, prayer as well as connect with members in our community. Regular attendance also helps orient you around the messianic understanding of the Biblical Holidays/Festivals of Israel that we celebrate as a community.

Attend A Coffee with the Rabbi
This meeting is for people who want to learn more about our congregation and what the Discipleship to Membership to Service process looks like. It’s usually held after our Shabbat services. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions.

Discipleship to Membership Classes
Everyone is welcome to attend Hope of Israel! You are loved, whether a member, guest, or a friend of the congregation who attends on a regular basis. Membership is not for everyone, but it’s required to be part of our congregation for service. We provide personal and group discipleship for all who are interested in being a committed part of our community. If being a part of our community is not for your now, you are still welcome to attend all services and Bible studies. If you have been attending our services for a while and have attended the membership info meeting and believe God is leading you to consider membership, talk with our Rabbi.